Welcome to Coll’s Acres, 8-acres of land in the heart of the city.  


Here we will share plans and up-coming events with the local community.








For the last twenty years the land here at Coll’s Acres was a close-cropped pasture for horses.  Apart from grass and a few old oaks, little else grew, and there were few habitats for wildlife. 


We (a family) took over this site two years ago, and we are transforming it into a permaculture food-forest.   


'Permaculture' simply means permanent agriculture.  It's a way of farming without digging or disturbing the soil, and instead of planting annual crops we plant perennial fruits and veg.


So far we have planted fruit and nut trees, edible shrubs and hedgerows.  Next year we will lay out a small, organic vineyard.


In the future we will have products for sale.  Look out for our open days!